Potluck Like a Pro
It’s potluck season, people! Fire up the grills, break out the coolers, perfect that pasta salad—we’ve got every tip and trick in the book so you can come out of the gate strong.
Wow Your Crowd: Recipes That Impress Without the Stress
You only get one chance to make a first impression. Do it right the first time with these recipes and our best party tricks that will leave a mark long after the party's over. Plus, they'll feed the people.
Appetizers Fit For Every Guest, Gathering and Good Time
A party without these appetizees is just a get-together. A party with these apps? Now that's a party of epic proportions.
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Desserts to Party Down With
There really is no such thing as a celebration without sweets. At least, there shouldn't be. Easy to make and easier to take, these desserts win compliments, awards, friends, and everything in between.
Cheers! Cocktails and Mocktails for Every Shindig
Whether you're celebrating the end of a long work week, a birthday, or a Wednesday, these are the cocktails that put the happy in happy hour, any time of day (day drinking can't be beat!). Some are fruity and fizzy, others are boozy and borderline outrageous, but all are just as ready as you are to party.
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Pull Off the Perfect Dinner Party
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