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DIY Conversation Hearts

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Sugar and Charm
Updated Sep 18, 2017
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Make your own adorable Valentine's Day conversation hearts and customize them with charming phrases and flavors! They will definitely bring a smile to your Valentine!

More About This Recipe

  • Why make your own conversation hearts? Well, you can say exactly what you want to, in any language you choose! We're gearing up for the loveliest (pun intended) day of the year, Valentine's Day! As we all know, conversation hearts are a signature VDay candy and we were inspired by Diamonds for Dessert to recreate them with a personal touch. These sweet little candies are extra special because you can customize each heart by writing a charming, fun or sexy love message on them, or spell out a personal message using several of them together. Sending them to someone overseas? Spell out your words in another language! You can customize the flavoring too. I made them all coconut flavor and to me they tasted even better than the originals. SO much more personal than store-bought! Deliver all those customized sweethearts to your sweetheart. No Valentine card could be as personal – or as delicious!

DIY Conversation Hearts

  • Prep Time 15 min
  • Total 24 hr 30 min
  • Servings 8
  • Ingredients 6
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  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1 teaspoon unflavored gelatin
  • 1 teaspoon light corn syrup
  • 1 lb powdered sugar and more for dusting
  • 15 drops coconut extract (or another flavor of your choice)
  • Red, purple, yellow or your choice food colors


  • Step 
    Combine the water, gelatin and corn syrup in a microwavable bowl and heat for about 15 seconds until gelatin has dissolved.
  • Step 
    Pour into a stand mixer with a paddle attachment and, on low speed, add 1 cup of powdered sugar at a time, until all of the powdered sugar is used. You will end up with a stiff dough that’s just a little sticky.
  • Step 
    Lay parchment paper out and cover with a light dusting of powdered sugar.
  • Step 
    Place the dough on the parchment paper. Knead the dough with powdered sugar until the stickiness goes away.
  • Step 
    Divide the dough into 4 pieces. Place each piece in an individual Ziplock bag so the dough won’t dry out.
  • Step 
    Working with one section of the dough at a time, create a small hole in the center and add a few drops of coconut extract and a few drops of food coloring (whatever color you’re working with... red, purple, yellow, etc.) TIPS: Wear disposable plastic gloves to keep your hands clean, as you’ll be kneading the dough until the color is present and even throughout. Also, have enough powdered sugar on the parchment paper so you can keep dipping the dough in it when it gets too sticky. When you’re not using a dough, place it in a bag to keep moist.
  • Step 
    Once all of the coloring and flavoring is done, roll out the dough to about 1/8 to 1/4 of an inch thick.
  • Step 
    Use a tiny heart cutter to create the shapes. Let them dry for 24 hours. Drying is an important step, so don't skip it. If they are moist, the dye will run when you write on them.
  • Step 
    Once the hearts are dried, use a few drops of red food coloring and have plenty of toothpicks on hand. Dip a toothpick into the dye and then carefully write whatever phrase or words you want on the heart!


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