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Bacon-Cheddar Pigs in a Blanket

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Sarah Walker Caron
Updated Apr 22, 2021
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Give those traditional piggies a nudge up by infusing them with crowd-pleasing cheddar and bacon.

More About This Recipe

  • Pigs in a blanket are a classic, much-loved appetizer, perfect for any party. But why not give these tasty little bread-wrapped piggies a delicious modern spin? With Bacon-Cheddar Pigs in a Blanket you can!

    But let’s face it for a second … most pigs in a blanket appetizers are the same – bready outside wrapping up a mini hot dog. They are loved because they are so predictable. But sometimes predictable isn’t a good thing.

    Enter Bacon-Cheddar Pigs in a Blanket. These aren’t you mama’s piggies.

    You start with Crescent rolls, as many pigs in a blanket recipes do. But instead of simply wrapping the mini dogs, you sprinkle some sharp cheddar cheese and some salty bacon inside too.

    Then, the dogs are wrapped up. Now, this is important. The best way to wrap them is to wrap either end in towards the center of the dog. Then, you roll it up and seal any cracks as you go. Basically, these piggies are totally hidden in their Crescent blanket.

    Bake ‘em a bit, and you have this amazing hot appetizer that will have your guests raving over your fabulous pigs in a blanket.

    Sarah W. Caron (aka scaron) is a food writer, editor and blogger who writes about family-friendly foods and raising a healthy family at Sarah’s Cucina Bella.

Bacon-Cheddar Pigs in a Blanket

  • Prep Time 25 min
  • Total 40 min
  • Servings 16
  • Ingredients 4
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  • 1 can (8 oz) refrigerated Pillsbury™ Reduced Fat Crescent Rolls (8 Count)
  • 16 tsp cheddar cheese, divided
  • 4 slices bacon, cooked and crumbled
  • 16 cocktail franks (preferrably all-beef)
Make With
Pillsbury Crescents


  • Step 
    Preheat oven to 375°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Set aside.
  • Step 
    Remove the Crescent Rolls from the can and separate them. Cut each triangle into two pieces so they look like two equal right triangles.
  • Step 
    Sprinkle 1 tsp of cheddar on each Crescent roll piece. Top with 1/16 of the bacon and 1 cocktail frank each (all of these should be on the fat end of the triangle).
  • Step 
    Now, it's time to roll. Stretch the sides of the Crescent around the frank and roll, sealing the edges along the way.
  • Step 
    Bake for 12-15 minutes, until golden brown.
  • Step 
    Serve hot.


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